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The reason for most of your illness is home refrigerator


The reason for most of your illness is home refrigerator

The fridge is a very important part of our daily lives. Fridges can be seen in almost every house in Moffsball in almost all rural towns of Bangladesh. It is very important to keep the environment clean to stay healthy. Besides, you have to make a habit of eating live food. No one knows whether the food we eat every day is being disinfected even after cleaning! So the kitchen must be kept clean. And everyone has a fridge in the kitchen.

Don't you know? Furnace in the living room. So it is not possible to have a healthy life if you do not clean the refrigerator regularly. In the fridge, we keep everything from raw ripe vegetables to fruits as well as cooked food, sauces and butter. If you do not pariskara refrigerated syalamoneliyasa e-coli and listeriyara the bacteria can lodge. So you have to clean the fridge at least once a month.

How to clean the fridge:

  • Dilute detergent in hot water and clean the fridge by soaking a soft cloth or sponge. Be sure to turn off the refrigerator's electrical connection before cleaning.

  • Then take out all the accessories. Now take out all the shelves and wipe with a cloth soaked in hot soapy water. 

  • Then wipe with clean water. Finally remove excess water with a dry cloth. Similarly clean the inside wall of the fridge.

It is our responsibility to keep our house, environment beautiful and clean so throw the leftover food in the dustbin as soon as it gets spoiled.

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